Connect Bude

Campaigning to re-connect Bude and Holsworthy

Connect Launceston

Connect Bude are happy to support and help consult for Connect Launceston. We share a vision of a Cornwall connected, where efficient and accessible public transport benefits everyone.

Why collaboration is key?

Cornwall thrives on its unique character, but our dispersed communities can sometimes feel isolated. Limited public transport options can make it difficult to access jobs, education, and essential services, especially in rural areas like Bude and Launceston.

By working together, Connect Bude and Connect Launceston can amplify our voices. We can share experiences, develop stronger proposals, and advocate for improvements that benefit all of Cornwall.

What does this mean for you?

Improved rail and public transport connectivity across Cornwall could bring a wealth of benefits:

  • Better access to jobs: Easier travel opens doors to a wider range of employment opportunities, boosting local economies.
  • Reduced car dependence: More attractive public transport options mean fewer cars on the road, leading to cleaner air and a more sustainable future.
  • Stronger communities: Efficient connections allow people to connect more easily, fostering a more vibrant Cornwall.

How can you get involved?

Stay tuned for updates on their initiatives, and let’s work together to build a Cornwall where everyone can thrive! Please share our links, take part in our surveys and studies, and join our call to make a real difference. Join us today!

Returning the Railway to Launceston

An engineering options paper with recommendations for further study

A number of potential route options exist and need to be considered in returning railway connectivity to Launceston, Cornwall. Each route option brings its own engineering challenge that will need to be carefully assessed along with a number of common issues relevant to all routes. Some of these engineering challenges may be significant and will preclude routes from further study. Three potential route options should be considered as part of an initial feasibility study along with the optimal location for a Launceston Parkway station/East Cornwall interchange hub.